I’ve been involved with HLH for only a few months. I joined in February 2024 to help with social media. Quickly I wanted to do more to help, so I jumped on the opportunity to coordinate events and fundraising! I’m now one of two people who manage this position, and it’s a perfect fit! My goal here is to help put forward as many events as possible to help out as many animals as possible. I believe my main purpose in life is to help those in need, including all animals. They deserve just as good of a life as us humans do! Animals have and always will be apart of my life. My very first pet was a beta fish I named tequila (yes, actually), at the age of 4! From then on, I have had lizards, geckos, hamsters, guinea pigs, cats, dogs and many neighbourhood pets and strays. Currently, I have three cats, Ginger, Theo & Loki, who mean so much to me. What I work towards everyday with this organization, is that every animal near and far has the opportunity to only know the good life, like my three kitties do. I’m grateful for this opportunity to work with such an amazing organization and wonderful people, everyday!